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New: Assyrian Kasir Sharruti spearmen!

More troops for the Assyrian army this week – first up are these lovely Kisir Sharruti spearmen…

The Kisir Sharruti were the King’s standing army. They would have been well equipped and trained soldiers, recruited from all over the empire. Recruitment reports show that Elamites, Skythians, Israelites and other nationalities could make up the ranks. Once armed and equipped in Assyrian fashion they would only be distinguishable by their features, hair or skin colour.

It is likely that native Assyrians would be in command of units, but it is likely that other nationalities could rise to positions of authority.

This standard bearer has been painted as an Uratian – a trusted people in the Assyrian empire. Members of the Kisir Sharruti would make up a large portion of the Assyrian army, forming units comprised of spearmen and archers.

You can pair these figures up with the upcoming Neo-Hittite, Kisir Sharruti, Babylonian, Chaldaen or other archers dressed in Assyrian fashion.

These splendid new Assyrian spearmen are now available in three packs – command, spearmen and as a regiment. More Assyrians on the way soon…

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